Thursday, September 17, 2009


So I went hiking today with my friend Alana. We decided to take the Peavine trail because the other trails were too long and if you drive to the Peavine parking lot it's not really a hike. We thought it would be pretty easy because it was only 2 miles. Oh my word... we got less than halfway and looked at another map and it had in big words under the info about that trail "Rated strenuous due to rise in elevation" and I was like no kidding. It was really hard. I'm not in terrible shape but dang I needed an inhaler or something.

We saw all different kinds of mushrooms. So many shapes and colors, it was amazing! I got some really pretty pictures... When we finally got to the waterfall (I couldn't hike without something great waiting on the other side) I didn't even wait to take off my shoes I just climbed up to it and put my head under the water. It was so cold, but it felt amazing. It even tasted good... and it didn't make me sick Alana... lol. I would love to be able to do that every week but it took us like 5 hours with all the resting and the time we spent at the waterfall. I don't know how bad that is for 4.5 miles but it was quite a workout. I just couldn't spend that much time every week hiking.

So I had a fun day! Even when I fell :) Oh yeah and I informed Alana when we were halfway up the rocks leaving the waterfall that I was scared of heights. I'm just glad I fell when we were on level ground and not on that rocky ledge. The ground was slippery and I fell on my butt. I almost kissed the ground a few times too tripping on roots.

That's all I got to say about that.

BTW- Forrest Gump ran for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days & 16 hours

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