Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Broken Toe

About two months ago I was helping set up for VBS at Woodland Hills and I was running up the stairs from the basement two at a time. Well I mis-stepped and kicked the stair. I knew immediately that my toe was broken. I actually yelled out "AAAH, I just broke my toe!" Well, nobody really believed me until they saw it all swollen and bruised the next day. I didn't have health insurance then so I just took the advice of my wise nurse friends and buddy taped it. See, I'm not very good at being consistent though, and I only buddy taped it 3 or 4 times off and on for maybe a week. But I didn't think it was a problem because it quit hurting and it wasn't long before I could walk like normal with no pain.

The hike I told y'all about two posts ago aggravated this deceivingly unhealed break. I've been walking around with an aggravating pain in my foot for two weeks now. It isn't excruciating, it just hurts when I put pressure on it, so I decided to go to the doctor today. I know they can't really do anything for a broken toe, but I just wanted some expert advice on how to take care of it and I guess to confirm what was wrong with it.

Now I get to wear this sexy velcro boot on my foot for 7-10 days and if it still isn't better I get to go back to the doctor.

Yay me!

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