Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Bystander Effect

The bystander effect is a social psychological phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to offer help in an emergency situation when other people are present. The probability of help is inversely proportional to the number of bystanders. In other words, the greater number of bystanders, the less likely it is that any one of them will help. (Wikipedia)

I remembered studying about this in psychology when we were talking at emerge tonight. We were discussing our responsibility as Christians to help the poor and needy. I think so many of us have the mentality that somebody else will do it, that nobody is really doing anything. I know that there are Christians out there who are doing that part of their job. But it doesn't seem like the church as a whole is. I know I am guilty of it, and I don't know the statistics, but I would think there would be less of a problem if we all did our part.

This doesn't just apply to giving to the needy. What about sharing our faith? It isn't called the Great Commission for nothing. How many times have you not shared your faith because you thought, maybe someone else will or already has? What does it matter? Somebody approached me the other day with the intent of sharing Jesus with me. I already know Jesus, but it was so encouraging. I wish I had more boldness, and I think it comes the more you share with people. I had a dream a couple weeks ago that the world was about to be destroyed. It was very dramatic like in the movie Armageddon or something. But I was in a car with some strangers and I had this urgency to share the gospel with them. I felt so convicted when I woke up, because we should always have that urgency.

I pray that I never pass up a chance to tell someone about Jesus because maybe somebody else will do it instead. I challenge you and me to quit the Bible belt mentality that everyone around you has heard about Jesus. Just because they have heard of "Christians" doesn't mean they have seen the true Jesus. Show people Jesus in the way you live your life, but also tell them what He has done for you, and what He did for the whole world.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! The By-Stander Effect is the perfect description of why we don't do the things that we should want to do. Often we want to do these things b/c we either feel guilty for not doing it or we feel fearful that God's judgment will come upon us for not sharing, etc. Neither of these should be our motivations for loving... it should be just that as the result of love. And it should be with the sense of urgency you experienced in your dream. What a powerful dream that you had. Great post and we were so glad to see you at emerge last night as well! Later-
